21 March 2006

Company Stand-by

Being married to a pilot can be interesting at times. Like when I want something and he's in the middle of doing something else he doesn't ask me to wait or hold on, it's "Stand by."

Yesterday we had the wallpaperer out and the living room is now ready for trim. Here's an interesting tid bit I didn't know. Wallpaper rolls are manufactured for people with 8 foot ceilings. That is what the companies base their calculations off of. Since our walls are 9 foot we could only get three cuts out of a roll, not four. Basically we were a roll short.

Luckily the wallpaper guy had this all figured out before he started the job and was very conservative with what we had. So disaster is averted once again. Yea!

Then I was talking to my mother-in-law over the phone and she asked if he staggered the pattern. I said no, there was no pattern to stagger. But then I went into the room and sure enough he had varied the height of the flowers so they didn't end up in rows across the wall.

Who knew wallpaper could be so complicated?

So now it's just down to putting the woodwork up (which Dale has finished and waiting) and moving the furniture in.

Company you are officially on stand-by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a pilot, so I thought it was funny how your husband says 'Stand-by'. I use that term also. Anyway, check my musical flying clip sometime:

Take care.