12 November 2007

Weekend Up-Date

Saturday we got the woodwork up in the dining room and the two bathroom doors operational. The door to the bathroom was on previously, but the knob wasn't in place yet. Of course we weren't able to locate all of the pieces. They are around here somewhere, it's just going to be keeping our eyes open for them. Like ask I was sorting the dining room woodwork I ran across the tiny pieces of door stop that were missing from the living room double doors.

Sunday I wiped everything down in the dining room while Tim painted on the kitchen porch. Then later that night he helped me move furniture in.

The table and chairs my mom bought maybe 20 years ago at an auction. It was in our kitchen on the farm. The cabinet is that one the neighbor had out in the yard. The picture on the wall Tim's mom bought me quite a few birthdays ago. The rug is way to small for the space, but it will have to do until we can find a rug we like/come up with the cash for it.

The only woodwork that didn't get put up (besides the few missing pieces) is the trim around the pantry pass-thru. The doors weren't refinished yet so Tim took those down and hopes to work on them the next few evenings so they are done in time for the party on Sunday.


Jennifer said...

It's amazing what trim does for a room! It looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

The room looks AWESOME! :)

Jennifer said...

Hey Becky, the dining room looks great! Just a quick question, when you guys first moved to that house I got pictures of every room and did some pages in my scrapbook of it, I think you only had the master bedroom/bathroom, laundry room and kitchen done...anyways, I was wondering if when we come I could take pictures of each room and do an updated page in my scrapbook, if there are rooms you are closing off so you don't have to clean though, I understand, just let me know. P.S. When did you want me to do your Christmas pictures (if you still want me to) if you want to go to Sears or something though let me know...I'm sure you guys are busy...Oh yea, what do you want us to bring????