Refinishing the Living Room and Foyer Floors Part 2
Sunday after I left him, Tim continued sanding and put the final coat of seal on the floors. And here is the final product in the foyer...
the living room...
and a shot of both rooms.
Sunday night Tim showed up at my moms and said that he had gotten a splinter in his left hand while sanding in the living room. The wound didn't look like much, just a little pin prick spot on his palm. Mom gave him a little triple antibiotic to put on it.
Monday night Tim's hand had swelled and he was in so much pain he couldn't sleep. So Tuesday morning he made an appointment with our family doctor. The doctor gave him a prescription for an antibiotic and some pain pills, and set him up with an appointment with a specialist early Wednesday morning.
Wednesday we headed for his appointment with orders for Tim not to eat or drink anything. The doctor took an x-ray, but I guess wood and glass rarely show up on x-rays (makes sense). The doctor came to the conclusion that there probably wasn't anything left in the hand, but it would be a good idea to take a look, just in case. And lucky Tim, there was an opening in surgery that afternoon. So just continue not to eat or drink and show up at the hospital at 3:00 that afternoon.
So we bummed around town for awhile. Tim went back and forth about whether to even show up for the appointment because he was "feeling pretty good" (pain pills), and it was "silly to have surgery for a splinter." He was pretty nervous because he had never been in surgery before.
We showed up at the hospital and they had gotten done with the previous surgery earlier than anticipated so they were ready for Tim. He had three nurses running around the little hospital room shouting questions and poking things at him. It took five tries to get his IV in because he was dehydrated (he's very proud of this fact).
When he got down to the operating room he convinced them that he didn't need general anesthesia and that he'd be fine with just a block in the arm. He was hoping he'd get to see some of the surgery. What they didn't tell him is along with the block they also give you medicine to relax you in your IV. Well I guess they got the IV flow working and he told the doctor he could still fell his hand so they gave him a huge dose of the relaxation medicine and he went to sleep and missed they whole surgery.
The doctor did end up finding about a 2 inch chunk of wood still in Tim's palm. So it's a good thing we didn't skip the appointment. They said that there was no way that the piece would have worked its way out and the infection would have eventually spread and he could have lost his arm. Tim does remember getting to see the splinter after waking up from the surgery. The only other thing he remembers is telling the OR nurse that she was hot just before he went under. -sigh- I still can't believe he didn't flunk sexual harassment training yesterday at work.
And here he is Wednesday night. Isn't he a pathetic sight?
That is quite a tale. He gets the satisfaction of doing a clearly excellent job on the floors, and he gets a Purple Heart for his trouble. I'm glad the matter was resolved with a happy ending.
Two Inches.... OUCHY OUCH OUCH OUCH.. The floors look wonderful if that is any consolation
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