10 March 2006

Down Stairs Bathroom Woodwork is Up

Dale has the woodwork that is going back (we are making new baseboard out of tile for most of the room) in place and now we just have to bite the bullet and start the wall tileing job. We've done lots of tileing projects in our illustrious house careers.

It all started back in the little bungalow in Waverly (yes, I need to get pictures posted someday of that cute little house) with a marble tile insert in front of the fire place. We thought it was the greatest tile job in the world. In hind sight it was pretty crappy. The tiles were very un-level and we cheated here and there with a little black caulk. Now with our final project of the down stairs bathroom floor you couldn't tell it from a professional job if I do say so myself. Ask Tim, I'm VERY critical. It's level, no gaps, and no cheating with caulk. Yes, as much as Tim HATES tileing he's become pretty damn good at it.

Still, the thought of tileing on a vertical plane is kind of daunting.


Greg said...

That's funny hearing you talk that way about your old house. I say my first house was a practice house and this one I'm serious about.

Becky said...

Yes! It was exactly that way for us too. We always knew we wanted an acerage, but couldn't afford one. We used the little bungalow as a down payment on the big house. It took a month to find the little house and three years to find this one. Practice houses are a good thing :)