A Link from Bjoern
My little sister Mary is studying in Germany this year. When she showed our web site to one of her friends he said that it was like a tv show that he had seen- Grand Designs.
She sent me the web page for it today and I've spent a little time checking it out. It seems to be a mix of old and new structures. It's not exactly my style and there aren't enough pictures, but it's still an interesting read. Maybe when we have cable again we'll have to get the BBC channel so we can watch the re-runs.
I love Grand Designs. You can even buy the DVD's of earlier seasons now on Amazon.co.uk. It's all new homes, built from scratch or renovated from ruins... and I mean serious ruins, like an ancient church with no roof, or a derelict water pumping station. Each hour long show is about a different house and the only things they have in common are that they're all that bit "different" and visionary in their own way. Not just rich people either although some obviously are... there was one guy I remember who lived in some woods in a tent who actually built a wood cabin from scratch using the trees he felled from the wood. I find it really inspiring 'cos it shows that if you dream and are prepared to go for it, it's amazing what you can achieve.
Looking for information and found it at this great site... » » »
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